Thursday, March 15, 2012

Spread the Word

I'm asking a huge favor of all 4 of you that read this.

After much pondering, praying, anxiety attacks, and tears being shed; I have decided that I am taking a different job for a few different reasons and it being a great opportunity.

That being said, I need your help. I need your help finding someone that would be perfect to take this job. I'm not saying that I am so awesome that I'm irreplaceable but......I am saying that sarcasm, being easily amused, and loving diet beverages & peanut butter pretzels will get someone very far in this job.

Let me just state the perks:
*10-4 monday-friday (very flexible..if you want lunch take one, if's whatever). My boss told me I could take a day off if I ever just felt like I needed a day off.
*ice cold fountain beverage waiting on your desk every morning OR when you come in, the request for you to go pick up some ice cold fountain beverages for the office (the three people that work here).
*the work is fun. It does take some getting used to with the terms they use like I don't know why they say 15 basis points instead of just saying 15 cents. But that won't hurt anyone.
*You will never feel like you failed. If you mess up, they will do everything to convince you that it was not your fault. I go home everyday believing that I did a good job.
*I have gotten two phone calls from work while not at work. Call #1 was because my boss was sick all day and freezing so the heat was set at 79. He called me to tell me that as soon as I left he started sweating bullets and had no idea why..then he remembered that he never set the thermostat back to a normal temperature. Call #2 was at 7pm on a Friday night...because my boss forgot to tell me how thankful he was for my hard work that week.

These are just a few reasons why this job is amazing.

If you know anyone that is looking for a job or could use a better job (and could handle a few jokes about girls here and there) please let me know.

Much thanks.


  1. WHAT?!? I wouldn't give up that job. Pretty sweet set up! Where are you wanting to go? Summit Academy? *wink wink*

  2. I wish this was 6 months from now when my sister gets back from her mission! I'm excited for your new opportunity!

  3. i seriously wish i could work those hours! sounds like such a great job. i wanna hear all about the new job you are taking though! tuesday night yes? yes!
