Wednesday, December 14, 2011

1 + 1 = furrrrrever


Mostly for Gina but I know many others will appreciate as well.

I got this from one of my friends on facebook.

Monday, December 12, 2011


This weekend we went up to Montana to see Jesse's sister, Wendy, and her fam. And I was fortunate enough to get 4 fillings while up there (Wendy's husband Eric is a dentist) ...we're 2/3 of the way done with that. Stop trying to figure out how many cavities that is.

Anyway, as always (the one other time) it was great to be up there. There is something about Montana that has such a homey feel to it and makes me never want to leave. It could have something to do with how great their family is though..

Please don't criticize my photography skills. These were taken while the rather smudged window was rolled up and we were on the freeway.
Also, ignore Jesse's skills as well. He always manages to get me right when I look like I have an eye infection.
(please note she is standing on the deck, she isn't that tall...yet)

That's their horse dog Bella. She didn't know what to do when Sam started boxing at her, other than hide behind people.
He might have had more fun being up there than we did.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

story of my life

Jesse: We (you) need to do laundry. I'm out of underwear.
Me: No you're not. Check in the dryer, on the dryer, or in the hamper..those clothes are clean


Sunday, December 4, 2011

The moment we have been waiting for.

On Friday night we went and picked up Samson

and obviously we have already had multiple photo shoots.

Yesterday I took him to meet Luke & Reagan and I wish I could say he played and played but he really just slept and slept. But I think that he finally has accepted that we are not going to disappear no matter how many times he closes his eyes.
There isn't really much else to say other than we are totally obsessed and feel like everyone else should be too.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Call me ambitious.

Since my new found hatred to the gym, I have decided I need a new "thing" (until we get the dog, then obviously nothing will get accomplished).

So I have decided to actually start making the things that I want to eat from pinterest.

Yesterday I made a list and went to the grocery store. I have never done that before. Typically Jesse does the shopping and I just eat whatever he makes (this is not a lie). So, I ventured off to the store and made these:

This is obviously not a picture that I took. Although, I almost did take a picture.

They are soo easy and super delicious.
Take a tomato and slice it (like the above picture looks) put on some parmesan (I used the "pizza mix" of cheese instead). Then throw on some Oregano and s&p. Cook at 450 for 10-15 minutes (I would say 10, but our oven cooks ultra fast so...maybe 15..whatever). It also said to add olive oil but I thought it tasted good without.

Eat those with some sweet potato fries and buffalo chicken. You will be happy. Well..if you like tomatoes, you will be happy, otherwise you will probably hate it.

I also made these:Spinach and macaroni something or other...I don't remember all the ingredients but I do remember it was a lot of work for a small amount of flavor.
Which is the exact opposite of what I want when it comes to food. For obvious reasons.

I'd say walking around the grocery store is a perfect replacement for the stairmill.

Friday, November 4, 2011

The second best date thus far.

Before Jesse and I got married, we had discussed getting a dog around spring time
(if you read my other blog, I had already mentioned that).

Well, long story short, after some discussing and realizing how much going to Wisconsin for Christmas would cost and possibly due to the fact that Jesse was being spammed with ksl ads being sent his way; we decided that getting a dog around Christmas time would actually work out for us.

So we started looking for boston terriers and trying to find one that didn't cost as much as bostons usually do...blah blah blah. Then today as I am sitting at work and had thought that Jesse was simply going to an innocent lunch with some clients he starts telling me that his co-worker had put down a deposit for a boxer puppy. And he sends me a picture of a little white puppy that Zach is getting. Super cute.

Then I receive this

And I realize something. That is Jesse, holding a boxer puppy. Completely at his own free will..I did not make this happen. He voluntarily was at a home that was selling puppies, holding a puppy, bribing me, making me never be allowed to ever be even remotely angry with him for any reason in the world. Then he asks if I would want to go on a date with him tonight up to Ogden to see it.

No duh.
Welcome to the fam, Sam

Monday, October 3, 2011

Money can't buy happiness?

This cost ten dollars.

I sure as heck know that I'm happy. Jesse is happy that I'm happy.
And the people we bought it from, they were happy too. In fact, I bet that feeling in your bosom when you look at this picture, is that of happiness.

this couch, is rad.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Three and a half weeks wed

Even though I didn't blog about it, it did indeed happen.

And now we have begun the process of making our house somewhat of a home. We are still trying to figure out our if a couch even matters or if a giant bean bag in the family room will suffice. But we at least got a tv and a fish. So our house is 90% complete.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Two weeks pre wed

This weekend we went to Montana to meet Jesse's sister and her family. It was soo incredibly fun, to say the least. And his brother in law offered to do some pro bono dental work for me...I won't say how many fillings I got but I will mention that only 40% of my cavities actually got filled and that alone took a solid 2 1/2 put it into perspective. Jesse really enjoyed the first three hours of the car ride home with me only being able to smile with half of my face. Anyway, here are some photos of the trip for your entertainment. I'm new to this about a lasting relationship thing, so bare with me as I attempt to find my style.

A failed attempt at me being in charge of pushing the button on the phone that makes it take a picture:

The traditional "drinking from the water fall" photo. We take one every time we go on a hike with a water fall (which means it has happened one time before this)

Thanks for the zoom in, Jess.

So there you go, the first of hopefully many posts. Please come back and read them all time.