Monday, December 12, 2011


This weekend we went up to Montana to see Jesse's sister, Wendy, and her fam. And I was fortunate enough to get 4 fillings while up there (Wendy's husband Eric is a dentist) ...we're 2/3 of the way done with that. Stop trying to figure out how many cavities that is.

Anyway, as always (the one other time) it was great to be up there. There is something about Montana that has such a homey feel to it and makes me never want to leave. It could have something to do with how great their family is though..

Please don't criticize my photography skills. These were taken while the rather smudged window was rolled up and we were on the freeway.
Also, ignore Jesse's skills as well. He always manages to get me right when I look like I have an eye infection.
(please note she is standing on the deck, she isn't that tall...yet)

That's their horse dog Bella. She didn't know what to do when Sam started boxing at her, other than hide behind people.
He might have had more fun being up there than we did.

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